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TMJ & jaw pain

What is jaw clenching treatment?

We’re guessing you’ve found yourself clenching your jaw frequently. Often resulting in a larger jaw & discomfort/pain while chewing or talking… You might be one of the many affected by Bruxism or Temporomandibular Joint Disorder! (TMJ).

Before we go on it’s important to note that we’re unable to list the specific medications we stock due to TGA advertising regulation. So in this post, we’ll refer to them as Neuromodulators, a technical name for common products you may have heard of on the Australian market.

If you’d like to learn more about the products we use, feel free to reach out via email or phone. (03) 7047 7704.

TMJ disorder, a condition affecting the jaw joint and the muscles controlling its movement, can cause various painful symptoms, from jaw tension to headaches and difficulty opening or closing the mouth. While there are various treatment options available, neuromodulator injections have shown surprising yet highly effective treatment for alleviating TMJ-related discomfort. 

What is TMJ

The temporomandibular joint acts as a hinge connecting your jawbone to the skull. Any issues affecting this joint or the muscles around it can lead to TMJ disorder. This condition can arise due to multiple factors, including stress & teeth grinding (Bruxism). 

We often find that symptoms of TMJ disorder can vary from person to person but commonly include:

Pain or tenderness in the jaw Frequent discomfort or soreness in the jaw area, particularly when chewing or speaking.

Difficulty in jaw movement Limited range of motion, causing difficulty in fully opening or closing the mouth.

Clicking or popping sounds Audible sounds, like clicking or popping, when moving the jaw joint.

Headaches or earaches Pain in the head or ears, often mistaken for tension headaches or ear infections.

These symptoms can seriously impact your overall quality of life, so no surprise jaw clenching treatment is one of our most frequent booking requests at BYGOLDEN.

How to fix jaw pain & jaw clenching

Most commonly known for its use in cosmetic procedures to reduce wrinkles, neuromodulators have shown to be a fantastic ally in treating TMJ disorder. While its muscle-relaxing properties might seem counterintuitive, they can work wonders in relieving the tension and pain associated with TMJ.

During the procedure, we inject a neuromodulator directly into the affected jaw muscles, with the neuromodulator working to block nerve signals, which reduces muscle activity and tension in the area. (The best way to think of it is training in the gym.. If you work out a lot, you grow your overall muscle mass.. If you stop working out, you’ll stop growing the muscle & see shrinkage/reduced tension in the target area. Thus, relieving your jaw pain.

Benefits of jaw clenching treatment

The Benefits of Neuromodulator Treatment for TMJ.

Pain Relief Injections offer fast (Within 7-14 days) relief from TMJ-related discomfort, significantly reducing jaw pain and associated headaches.

Improved Jaw Function With the relaxation of the jaw muscles, you’ll often experience improved movement, enabling them to open and close their mouths more comfortably.

Non-Invasive Approach Unlike surgical interventions, Neuromodulator treatments for TMJ are minimally invasive, with little to no downtime required post-procedure.

Temporary Effects While it isn’t a permanent solution, its effects typically last for several months. This allows for ongoing relief without the commitment of long-term alterations. With ongoing maintenance, you’ll find the condition can improve dramatically in the short term and over time!

What to expect before & after jaw clenching treatment

The treatment for TMJ is a relatively quick and straightforward procedure. It usually takes around 10 to 30 minutes, depending on the number of injections required. You may experience minor discomfort during the injections, similar to a slight pinching sensation. Don’t worry, we’ll apply numbing cream to reduce any pain, making it almost painless!

After your treatment, you might notice very mild swelling or bruising at the injection sites, however, this is uncommon.

Jaw-clenching treatment

While neuromodulator treatments have shown success in treating TMJ disorder, we encourage you to book a full-face consultation with our team of clinicians. Don’t worry, if you decide to proceed, there will be enough time for treatment on the day.

To summarise, TMJ disorder can be a challenging condition to manage, however, neuromodulator treatments can assist in relieving the symptoms you’re experiencing!

Pricing for Jaw clenching treatment starts at $399.

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