Rejuran is an injectable product containing Polynucleotides from wild salmon. These polynucleotides are short DNA fragments, typically sourced from salmon DNA. When injected into the skin, they offer several benefits for skin health and appearance, including a reduction in fine lines & wrinkles, under-eye dark patches & overall skin quality.

Rejuran is placed into the dermis layer of the skin using a method known as mesotherapy to stimulate the fibroblasts to produce collagen. Rejuran has proven to be a truly remarkable treatment for many of our clients wanting to improve their skin complexion.


Rejuran is the brand name for a treatment that contains Polynucleotides, which are DNA fragments derived from salmon. These Polynucleotides promote skin regeneration, improve elasticity, and reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles when injected into the skin. Rejuran injections are often used as part of anti-ageing and skin rejuvenation procedures, especially for additional collagen stimulation in the upper layers of the skin.

Launched in Korea in 2014, Rejuran was exclusively used in Asian countries such as Korea and Singapore, before being approved in Australia in July 2023.

From our mid-20s, we begin producing less collagen in our skin, leading to ageing. The Polynucleotide in Rejuran acts to increase collagen production, therefore increasing skin thickness and enhancing skin tightness.

Polynucleotide is also advantageous for the skin by activating anti-inflammatory responses and promoting wound healing, by stimulating the fibroblasts to produce more collagen.

Although our patients see a noticeable difference after one treatment, we recommend 2-3 for more prominent results. With correct maintenance, Rejuran treatments can significantly improve your skin’s appearance.


After 2-5 Days - Smoother skin texture, Clearer complexion, better oil balance.

After 2-4 Weeks - Increased skin elasticity, Pore Reduction, Reduced Fine lines.

After 4-6 Weeks - Improved overall skin condition, Healthier, Brighter & Firmer Skin.


Rejuran i - $600 (1 ml)

Rejuran s - $600 (1 ml)

Rejuran classic - $900 (2 ml)


3 treatments: Rejuran i - $1600

3 treatments: Rejuran s - $1600

2 treatments: Rejuran classic - $1750 (4 ml)

3 treatments: Rejuran classic - $2400 (6 ml)

  • Initially, you may require 2-3 treatments. Once you have completed these you may elect to maintenance treatments every 6-12 months.

  • You can resume most of your daily activities but please be aware that you may have some redness or swelling which could last between 48- 76 hours. As with all cosmetic treatments, we advise against exercising, using a sauna or steam room or drinking alcohol for 24 post treatment

  • Other than redness or the potentiality of swelling or bruising there are no other known side effects.

  • Most people will be suitable for treatment with Rejuran. In fact there have been 10 million syringes of this treatment used with no known side effects. It is even suitable for people who have fish allergies!

  • Rejuran can be used in most parts of the body but some of the more popular areas are the:


    Eye area

