• Recently, (March 7th 2024) Australia’s Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) changed the regulations about what we can and cannot advertise in the cosmetic medicine field.

    As a clinic who prides itself on education, honesty, compliance patient care and above all safety this is a difficult one to navigate for both our patients and us.

    References: We can no longer use words like, ‘ anti-wrinkle,’ ‘dermal filler,’ ‘skin boosters, ’ or ‘injectables’. Essentially any indirect reference to a medication is no longer allowed.

    Branding: Our existing Golden community may have noticed we have re-branded “Golden Injectables” Don't worry though, as we are run by the same team.

    Price lists: Price-lists are is no longer allowed. This is a difficult one for us as we pride ourselves on transparency. What remains the same is that we still have no obligation consultations, where we will always gain financial consent prior to treating.

    All appointments will soon move to “Consultations.”

For wrinkle-relaxing treatments:

  • Be over 18 years old.

  • is pregnant or trying to become pregnant (within 4 weeks)

  • Is breastfeeding

  • Has myasthenia Gravis or Eaton-Lambert Syndrome

  • Has an infection, active sunburn, eczema or psoriasis in the area to be injected.

In addition to the above for For volumising consultations:

  • Is hypersensitive to any of the ingredients or is a known anaphylactic to bees.

  • Has an unstable autoimmune condition. Unstable meaning they have had elevated CRP on blood tests and or medication changes (in type or dose) in the past 12 months.
    Reason: Autoimmune conditions such as lupus or rheumatoid arthritis may affect how the body responds to foreign substances and increase the risk of inflammatory nodules.

  • Has received a COVID-19 or Influenza vaccine in the last 2 weeks or has these vaccinations planned within the next 2 weeks.

    Reason: increased risk of delayed hypersensitivity and injection site reactions.

  • Has any planned surgical procedures less than 4 weeks post-treatment. Reason: potential infection may increase risk of filler infection.

  • Currently unwell and has a febrile status. E.g. Flu, sinusitis, UTI.

  • Has had a surgical procedure less than 6 weeks prior to the appointment. Reason: systemic inflammation may increase risk of infection.

  • Is currently on antibiotics

  • Has had any major dental work within the past 4 weeks or scheduled in the next 4 weeks. Major dental work includes removal of wisdom teeth, root canals or any procedures related to the soft tissue, treatment of periodontists, veneers, crowns, bridges, dentures and the initial fitting of braces.

  • Has had minor dental work within the last 2 weeks or scheduled in the next 2 weeks. Minor dental work includes dentist cleans, routine tooth extractions, fillings and tooth whitening.

  • Has an overseas flight booked within the following 14 days after treatment.

  • Reason: Unable to assist in the instance of an adverse event.